Development Of Sustainable Local Seed Business Through Innovation Platform In Ghana.

Author(s): James Yaw Asibuo, PhD


 Population growth, urbanization and income growth fueling demand for food and meat  Aggravating the competition between crops and livestock  Low productivity of crop-sheep and goats production systems attributed to: – low use of improved crop varieties and animal breeds – declining soil fertility – low use of external inputs (fertilizer, feed supplements) – poor documentation of indigenous knowledge in crop-sheep and goats systems – weak linkage of the crop-sheep and goat value chain.  The Sustainable Intensification of Integrated Crop-Small Ruminant Production Systems in West Africa (Crop-small ruminant) was a project funded by the Australian Development Agency (AusAID)  3-year project implemented in 4 countries -the Semi-arid (Mali and The Gambia) -sub-humid (Ghana and Benin) agro-ecologies of West Africa

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